This June, Has Franklin will participate in the MS: Cape Cod Getaway to raise awareness and funds to fight Multiple Sclerosis & Inclusion Body Myositis. Below is a letter from Has explaining this awesome event and how you can join in the fight.
Hi Everyone!
During the last weekend of June (29-30), I am riding the MS: Cape Cod Getaway with Jon Katz and Rick Watts, to bring awareness and funds for research to fight Multiple Sclerosis & Inclusion Body Myositis. My family has been affected by both of these horrible autoimmune diseases – my mom has struggled with Myositis and other relatives are dealing with MS. For those of you familiar with the lacrosse world, this is the same disease that former Maryland Lacrosse Coach Dick Edell suffered. Recently, Peter Frampton announced that he has Inclusion Body Myositis. It is my hope that our efforts will help lead to a world free from these diseases.
While training for this event is a challenge to each of us in our own way, it’s nothing compared to the challenges my mother faces on a daily basis due to this affliction and the many other people face daily with MS. My mom can no longer do basic things that we take for granted such as simply stepping out of bed in the morning or lifting a cup of water to our mouth to drink. She is unable to do anything physical to take care of herself. She relies completely on a wheelchair, an adapted van and a strong faith with an incredible attitude to get around with her caregiver.
Our goal is to raise $10,000 for research and awareness to fight these two autoimmune diseases. Hopefully, the discovery to find a cure for one can eventually be used to fight the other one. Please learn more about these diseases and consider supporting our efforts as we ride for MS and Myositis .
To donate to fight and help beat MS, please use the below link:
To donate to fight and help beat Myositis, please use the below link:
Thank you so much for your generosity and support.