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Has Franklin Bikes For MS | Franklin Financial Group

This June, Has Franklin will participate in the MS: Cape Cod Getaway to raise awareness and funds to fight Multiple Sclerosis & Inclusion Body Myositis. Below is a letter from Has explaining this awesome event and how you can join in the fight. Hi Everyone! During the last weekend of June (29-30), I am riding … Continued

Ask the Experts: Taxability of Reimbursements for Mileage | Maryland Benefits Agency

Question: Are amounts an employer reimburses employees for mileage taxable? Answer: They may be; the type of reimbursement plan will dictate whether reimbursement for business travel is or is not taxable. Both accountable plans and non-accountable plans allow an employer to reimburse employees for their business expenses. With an accountable plan, the reimbursement is not … Continued
